White Chocolate Dipped Lucky Charm Cereal Squares

Well, we’re nowhere near St. Patrick’s day but I felt like I needed some luck in my life and because I don’t have any horse shoes accessible to me, and I don’t particularly feel like getting shat on by a passing bird, I went for Lucky Charms. They don’t involve me getting booted by an angry horse nor do they involve washing poo out of my hair so I’d say Lucky Charm’s are pretty damn lucky. Anyway. Lucky Charm “Rice Crispy” Squares were born.

Now I can’t take full credit for these, I took inspiration from Becky Sue’s blog “Baking The Goods“. She made Lucky Charms Treat Smores and they looked delish so I wanted to recreate them.

I took out the “smores” aspect of her treats because I felt as though I would be extremely overwhelmed with marshmallow, so instead, I just increased the chocolate because, well… CHOCOLATE!

Becky’s recipe made FORTY EIGHT bars, or 24 smores bars. That is a LOT of bars man so I didn’t make quite that many – but I did make enough to feed a group of tipsy adults at a BBQ (who – might I add – were very impressed with my child-like snack).

You know it’s funny – I can never think of anything extravagant to take to pot luck events (mostly because I lack the skills to make something extravagant) yet, I always seem to get flooded with compliments and “can you bring this next year too?!” comments. Just goes to show that you don’t need to be a master baker to deliver the good stuff to family functions!




Large saucepan or colander

Wooden spoon

Large, flat pan large enough to lay the treats down on



5 cups mini marshmallows

4 cups Lucky Charms

1 bag white chocolate chips

1 tbsp butter


Melt butter in large colander, then add marshmallows and melt those as well.

Once marshmallows have a “creamy” consistency, add in Lucky Charms and stir together until all cereal is coated evenly with marshmallow – add more Lucky Charms as needed.

Coat large pan with a non-stick spray and dump the Lucky Charms concoction onto it.

Use Flexi-Spatula to spread the treat mixture over the pan (HINT: If you take one piece of advice throughout this blog post – let it be this: coat your Flexi-Spatula in a cooking spray or butter to use when spreading out the Lucky Charms to prevent it from turning into a sticky mess!!)

Place the tray of treats in the fridge for about an hour, then melt the bag of white chocolate chips.

Cut the treats into however many you please, and dip the treats into the melted white chocolate, coating half to bar.

Place back on the tray and into the fridge – leave to set and then enjoy!




Let me know if you give them a go!

For more food related posts:

Bacon, Broccoli, & Onion Quiche

Easy Protein Pancake Recipe

Until next time
