My 5 New Years Resolutions

January 1st. The one day a year where it seems like the entire world is motivated to reach their goals.

I usually don’t really make New Years resolutions. I personally have found them to be quite destructive for me in the past. I also don’t really believe in waiting to start working towards reaching your goals. If you have a goal… then just start working towards it right away…?

Anyway, despite that, I have actually set myself some goals for this year. They are resolutions that I have set in motion already but they are things that I would like to have a good handle on by the end of 2018.

Make more time for fun.

I am TERRIBLE at making time in my life for activities other than work and the gym. I tend to isolate myself a lot and let myself drown in being busy with adult things, it’s a terrible character flaw. I had a friend tell me a couple of months ago that fun is a top priority for her, and it made me think… why the HECK is fun not one of my top priorities?! I’m 23 years old and child-free dammit I should be out enjoying myself on the weekend not cooped up in my apartment with my cat. So, this year I’m going to start saying “yes” more to social activities, and also make an effort to take the initiative and makes plans to do fun things. FUN.

Embrace my style.

This is something I feel very strongly about. I LOVE seeing guys and gals slaying their outfits and makeup. I love myself when I’m slaying my outfit and makeup… who doesn’t?! However I currently am not dressing as boujie as I would like for fear of being judged, which is sad. So this year I’m going to make more of an effort to step out of my comfort zone and dress how I want and not how I think other people want me to dress. Get ready for some bomb Insta #ootd pics.

Stop being so hard on myself.

You know how I said isolating myself is a terrible character flaw of mine? Yea, well sadly, it’s not my worst. Being hard on myself is. I think everyone that knows me knows that this is probably my biggest downfall as a human being. I don’t know how it happened or where it came from, but I feel like it has being engrained into my personality for my whole life. I’m going to make a conscious effort to start giving myself credit for doing life stuff this year.

Push-ups, pull-ups.

I have NEVER been able to do a ton of push-ups or pull-ups. Even during my athlete days, I couldn’t do them (well, more than ~5) so this year I want to change that. I can lift heavy weights for days but the moment I have to move my own dang weight around I fail miserably. It’s time to change that. I’m going to try and tack on some push-ups and pull-ups onto the end of my workout AT LEAST two days a week. I don’t have a specific goal for how many I’d like to be able to do, I just know that I’d like to be able to bust out a non-embarrassing amount of pushups if someone challenged me to a competition.

Get outside more.

It’s hard being an adult working full time with responsibilities. You spend all day inside at your job, inside at the gym, then you’re so tired from being inside all day that you spend the evening inside on the couch. My goal this year is to spend more time outside. Go for a walk on my lunch break. Sit outside on the balcony in the evening (which will probably have to wait until May… Canadian winters are long… and cold). There’s nothing like spending some time outside to perk you up, amirite?!

And that’s it! My 5 goals for the New Year. Nothing complicated or unachievable. By writing them down and sharing them with the world now I feel more accountable for them so there’s no turning back! That, and I can’t use the excuse that I’ve forgotten what they were, haha!

What are your New Years resolutions? Do you make them? Did you achieve your goals from last year? Let me know in the comments below!

If you know that no matter how many Resolutions you set you always seem to fail, check out my How To Stay Motivated and Easing Yourself Into A Healthy Lifestyle blog posts! And don’t forget, January and February’s blog posts are going to be ALLL about fitness and staying healthy. To stay up to date, sign up via email so you never miss a post!

Until next time
