Gymshark Aspire Leggings Review

If you followed me over from my old blog, you’ll know that I’ve been a fan of Gymshark for a while (let’s be honest… who isn’t a fan of them these days?!). I purchased their V3 Flex Leggings when they were first released almost a year ago and I’ve been wearing them religiously every since.

As you’ll have probably seen, they recently released the Aspire leggings.

Having bought the small in the flex leggings and hearing a lot of the Gymshark athletes similar to my size say they were also a small in the Aspire leggings, I decided to stick with the small.

There are several things that I look for in a decent pair of leggings:

  • Squat proof
  • High waisted
  • No camel toe
  • Staying power
  • Compression

The Squat Test

I’m sure all my thick ladies can agree with me on this when I say that it is nearly impossible to find a pair of leggings that completely pass the squat test. I can’t even begin to tell you how many pairs of leggings I have gone through in my lifetime. I’ve even bought leggings in the past that have initially passed the squat test, then failed within the first 6 months (ahem… Nike).

These leggings pass… even on leg day. And considering my flex leggings are still passing a year in, I have hope that these ones will stand the test of time as well.

Is My Muffin Top Covered?

I like my leggings to sit at about my belly button. Not too high that my rib cage is smothered and not too low that my lil muffin top hangs out. I feel like the smallest part of my waist is about where my belly button is so when leggings sit there I feel the best about my figure.

These leggings sit right on my belly button and look super flattering too, I don’t have to pull them up too viscously to get to that point either (as I sometimes do with the flex leggings). These don’t have a super tight waist band, but it’s tight enough that all the bits you want sucked in, are.

Camel Toe or Camel No?

Unfortunately, I have to say that these leggings give me some preeeetty bad camel toe. One day I hope that athletic wear companies realize that stitching right in the middle of the crotch on women is just as annoying as it is for men. Especially because we seem to be constantly razzed for having camel toe.

If stitching down the centre of our crotches is an absolute MUST, then lets maybe make the stretchiness of the stitching match the stretchiness of the material used to make the pants. Because right now the stitching always seems to be ~2x less stretchy and this just makes all matters worse.

Anyone have any tips for dealing with pants that do this?

Annoyance Level

By this I mean: how many times did I have to yank these leggings up during my workout?

The answer is: not any more than I usually would.

I find that being in the slim thicc club, no matter how well a legging fits, there is always that aspect of being too small on the waist because there had to be enough room in the booty. I also am super conscious of keeping my leggings sitting just right on my waist that I’m constantly tugging at them.

So no, these leggings were not any more annoying than any of the other leggings in my collection.

Compressed or Distressed?

I like my leggings to have enough compression that I feel sucked in and held tight, but not enough that it flattens my bum and makes me feel as though I can’t move properly.

I’ll touch on the length of these leggings too. Can I just say how happy I am that I finally have a legging in my possession that I DON’T HAVE TO ROLL UP AT THE BOTTOM. The flex leggings I have to roll up TWICE, and many of my other leggings I have to roll up at least once to accommodate for my short little legsĀ (except Lulu bc they’re the MVP). It’s lovely. I can just throw them on and not worry about having to tailor them.

Until next time


One Reply to “Gymshark Aspire Leggings Review”

  1. […] Leggings – Gymshark Aspire, see my review on these leggings here. […]

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