Tips For Handling Cravings

I’ll start off by saying that this post isn’t going to go exactly how you would expect it. If you know me at all, or have been reading my blog for a while, you will know that I am a huge advocate of balance, and not being too hard on yourself in the diet department (or life department, for that matter). I don’t believe in diets, quick fixes, or that having a 6 pack makes you “fitness” or healthy. I believe in living life to the fullest, and that means enjoying food as well – however, I do also understand and appreciate the importance of a healthy lifestyle and eating habits.

When I say healthy eating habits I generally mean a nutrient rich diet full of veggies and all that other good stuff. When I say healthy eating habits I also mean having a healthy relationship with food – as in, not feeling guilty for eating a little bit too much cake at the birthday party, not restricting yourself to a single cheat meal a week. These things are not only really not fun at all, but also not sustainable.

I do believe however that there is a difference between having healthy eating habits (that include treats & a good relationship with food), and treating yoself way too often.

As a woman who experiences a period every single month, I can attest to the fact that cravings are a bitch. As a woman who has lived in a caloric deficit (diet) in the past, I can also attest that cravings are a bitch. As a human who is human and likes to eat chocolate, icecream, and pizza, I can definitely tell you that cravings. are. a. bitch. We all have them. Your guilty pleasure might be a whole box of oreos on a casual Tuesday evening. It could be a big old greasy bag of chips. Or, if you’re anything like me, it could be a neat pint of Hagen Daaz downed in one go.

My first and most important tip would be to just eat the damn thing. You want a donut? Eat the donut. You want some fries? Get yourself some fries. There’s no sense in restricting yourself from foods that you enjoy as it will only lead to an over-consumption of them later on. When I used to have to cut weight for wrestling I would have to restrict myself from everything but chicken and vegetables, then after my weigh-in I would end up eating everything I had wanted that week to the point of feeling physically sick. That is not a position you want to be in. Instead, have a portion of the item you’re craving to satisfy it, then move on with your day.

Now, obviously there are times when you have treated yourself to something you wanted, but you still want to eat and eat and eat it until you’re sick. That, or you just find yourself craving a big, greasy afternoon snack every day and you want to stop that! Here are my tips for solving that issue:

Hydrate yourself – although you may think this is super lame, I find that a large glass of water or a big ol’ cup of a nice flavoured tea really helps me out when I can’t stop eating. Our bodies often misinterpret dehydration for hunger, so try having a decent sized drink and then check back 15 minutes later to see if those hunger pains are still there. Flavoured tea is especially good because it gives you the satisfaction of flavour without the actual food – you can buy all sorts of tea flavours nowadays so I’m sure you could find something to squash your craving!

Eat a protein packed snack/meal – if you’re finding that there’s a particular time of day that you’re REALLLY craving more, mid-afternoon for example, it might be cause your meal isn’t sufficient enough in protein. Protein keeps you fuller for longer as it takes much longer to digest, meaning that you may find that your mid-afternoon slump/craving doesn’t occur. Or, if you do find that you are genuinely hungry mid-afternoon, try having some high protein yogurt, a protein shake, or some hard boiled eggs to tie you over until your next meal.

Grab yourself some fruit – anyone elses parents used to hit you with the “just have some fruit” line when you told them you were hungry as a kid? Mine definitely did. At the time I obviously wanted nothing less than some fruit, but as I’ve aged I really do appreciate a good portion of fruit. My biggest downfall is my sweet tooth, so when a craving for something sweet hits (literally after every single meal), I first reach for some fruit to satisfy that craving.

Plan your meals – this will not only reduce uncertainty when it comes to what you’re going to be eating throughout the day, but also will decrease the chance of you getting extremely hungry throughout the day. Both of these factors will hopefully eliminate the chances of you nipping through the nearest McDonald’s drive thru for a cheeky lunchtime Big Mac meal. I bring a packed lunch & all my snacks to work every day that I’ve made and packed up the night before. Not only does it save you from choosing something less healthy, it also saves you time, and money!

Distance yourself from the craving – this is a drastic measure, if it’s getting to this point regularly then I would suggest looking into potential reasons why your cravings are so strong, or seeking out a professional to help you with this habit. I used to practice distancing myself from my cravings while I was in wrestling and it isn’t fun or healthy to do on a regular basis. Chewing gum, sleeping, exercising, not keeping things that you regularly crave in the house are all great distraction techniques.

At the end of the day, we all have cravings. If you’re at a healthy weight, you’re active, and not cutting weight for any particular reason (like a competition), then there really is no harm in having the occasional horrific day of eating or a daily treat.

Until next time
